Are We Going To See A Dedicated Video Tab On X?
January 25, 2024
Are We Going To See A Dedicated Video Tab On X?

X is pushing to reposition itself as a ‘video-first platform’ with a new media tab to help assist video discovery. 

With more and more users actively engaging with video-based content, X is moving away from lengthy, wordy posts. 

Previous research into Twitter engagement showed that videos generated 10x more engagement than non-video posts.

X recently shared their insights on the topic, claiming that 80% of users consumed video-based content from the platform while a whopping 100 million consumed full-screen videos in-app. 

This development could be a big boost for creators aiming to maximise their reach and streamline their audience engagement across multi-media platforms. 

Alongside this, X’s move towards more video-based content could help stream ads, campaign promotions, and teasing content to direct fans to full-length videos, making content creation on X a little simpler.

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