To celebrate recognised events with your followers
To help new people discover your business (remember to use relevant and trending hashtags online!)
Here are some key dates to add to your business calendar this September:
4th – 8th September – Zero Waste Week
This week, focus on your sustainability!
Ways to observe:
Create a challenge and offer incentives to reduce your waste, and remember to share your goals and journey on your socials!
Zero Waste Week is your chance to discuss your sustainability incentives! Tell your audience what you're already doing and why you think it's important.
It's time for a bit of self-reflection. If you need to be more sustainable, why not create a checklist or find some accreditations you want to work towards and share with your audience?
Type image caption here (optional
5th September – International Charity Day
The day to think about how you can give back.
Ways to Observe:
Consider making some donations to local charities and community groups! Remember to tweet, blog and post about this!
Consider this opportunity to spread your expertise and take on one pro-bono project a year – this could be great for exposure and community outreach.
Promotions?! Why not offer a discount on your products and services?
10th September – World Suicide Prevention Day
Show your team, clients and audience they're not alone.
Consider implementing a wellness programme for your staff that will carry on throughout the year.
12th September – National Day of Encouragement
It's time to get positive!
Ways to Observe:
Highlight your team members' or clients' success on social media!
Share your company story – "back to where it all began" to add some humanity into your brand and let people engage more with your company journey
Motos, quotes and motivation! This is an easy way to engage with your audience by sharing statements that drive you forward and encourage you to try your best
16th September – 100 Days till Christmas
Let's get festive!
Ways to Observe:
Get started and organised! This is the time to start getting the wheel rolling for all your Christmas campaigns, releases and events!
Christmas is getting close, and this is your chance to start getting people excited – tease your plans and put people in the festive spirit.
Why not compile a Christmas playlist you can share with your audience and use in the office?
17th September – Oktoberfest
Come together and celebrate.
Ways to Observe:
Take your team out! Oktoberfest is an excellent opportunity for some team bonding, and remember to create some behind-the-scenes content for your social media!
Party! Make a playlist of your favourite German artists and influences to share with your audience.
Create some nice Oktoberfest inspired assets and give your audience a reason to celebrate!