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July 18, 2024

Will the Paris 2024 Olympics be the Greenest Ever?

With the Euros over, it’s time to turn our sporting attention to this summer’s main event, the 2024 Paris Olympics! This year’s competition promises to be the greenest Olympics in history when it starts on Friday, July 26. But are the claims justified or merely a marketing ploy? 

Sustainable Roots 

The Paris 2024 organisers have made bold claims about their commitment to sustainability and building environmental responsibility into every decision-making step. 

According to their Legacy Plan, they aim to reduce carbon emissions by 55% compared to previous events, aligning with the goals set by the Paris Agreement through energy efficiency, waste reduction and sustainable transport. The headline stats are impressive: there are 250 miles of new bike lanes while they’ve planted 300,000 trees across the city. Most impressively, they’ve built very little to accommodate the $9 billion games. 

Repurposing Iconic Landmarks

For many cities, the Olympics is a chance to build and transform. For London, see the vainglorious ArcelorMittal Orbit and the unloved London Stadium. For Japan, see the National Stadium, which was demolished and rebuilt. 

Paris, however, is repurposing existing landmarks and infrastructure. Rather than constructing new venues (and the huge environmental footprint associated with them), the 2024 Games will use iconic sites like the Eiffel Tower, Grand Palais and Stade de France. 

This isn’t just clever marketing (beach volleyball and blind football under the Eiffel Tower, anyone?), but it highlights their commitment to sustainability and resource efficiency, setting a precedent for future Olympic Games. 

Comprehensive Green Initiatives

Want to know how the Paris organisers are going green? Here are some of our favourite initiatives: 

  1. Energy Efficiency: All Olympic venues will be powered by renewable energy sources, focusing on solar, wind, and hydropower. A geothermal system that draws air currents from the Seine also cools the athlete's accommodation. 
  2. Sustainable Renovations: Organisers have mended and upgraded existing facilities, using wood roofing efficient polycarbonate walls and creating France's largest urban solar-energy farm. Oh, and the 6,000 new seats at the aquatics centre are made from recycled plastic bottles. 
  3. Sustainable Transportation: A fleet of electric and hydrogen-powered vehicles will be used for official transportation. Plus, 80% of the Olympic venues are within 10km of the Olympic Village. 
  4. Waste Reduction: An ambitious waste management plan aims to achieve zero waste to landfill, with extensive recycling and composting programs in place.
  5. Biodiversity Preservation: Efforts are being made to protect and enhance local biodiversity, including creating green spaces and restoring natural habitats.
  6. Sustainable Food: 80% of the food at the Games is sourced from France, while 60% will be plant-based. There’s also an ambitious food recycling program and plans to minimise plastic packaging. 

Challenges and Criticisms

The Paris 2024 Olympics aren’t without their challenges and criticisms, however.

Despite high-profile political stunts (and a $1.5 billion clean-up bill), it’s doubtful whether the Seine will be clean enough to host any water sports this summer. 

Organisers also claim one of the few new buildings, the Adidas Arena, is “bio-based” despite being a hulking great concrete structure clad with energy-intensive aluminium. 

And, of course, the massive influx of visitors (not that you’d want to be without them) - 15 million are expected across July and August - puts a huge strain on the city’s infrastructure and resources. Aiming for zero waste is an ambitious goal, made all the more ambitious by requiring the buy-in of 15 million tourists. 

The Legacy of Paris 2024

For many in France, Paris was already heading in the right direction on sustainability - the Olympics simply turbocharged and accelerated that progress. The true measure of success for Paris 2024 will be its lasting impact on the city and future Olympic Games. 

The lessons learned from Paris 2024 could pave the way for more environmentally conscious sporting events worldwide. Planning for the 2028 Los Angeles Olympics will be underway, but we’re sure they’ll take notes and inspiration from these games. 

Whether it truly becomes the greenest Olympics ever will depend on the successful execution of its sustainability plans and the long-term legacy it leaves behind. 

Need Help With Your Sustainability Marketing?

If you’re struggling to understand sustainability and how it can positively impact your marketing, One Nine Nine is here to help. We work with a wide range of clients including KTC, Daabon and Axiom across a wide range of sustainability issues. Our team of experts specialises in sustainability marketing and can assist you in crafting genuine, compliant, and impactful green claims.

By staying informed and proactive, your business can avoid penalties and position itself as a leader in sustainability. Let’s work together to make your green claims credible and compelling.

To learn more about how we can help your business with sustainability comms and marketing team at 01138444111 or email us at today.

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